To be or not to be Visible in the film industry
Duart is a marketplace for all A/V professionals.
Want to showcase yourself, your experience and skills? Gain visibility by creating a profile on our platform and connect.
Need an actor, producer, director, cinematographer, or someone else for your project? Use our extensive database and find a perfect match for your needs!
Let us help you land that dream job!
The ability to post and apply to jobs offers is the newest feature on our platform. If you are searching for someone to join your project, post a job offer and start receiving applications. If you are looking for a job, browse through available jobs and apply to the ones that interest you!
If you want to stay updated on the latest news from the A/V industry, make sure to check out this section - film reviews, interviews, interesting articles and much more content written by professional journalists all around the world, are waiting for you!
Easily search through a large database of professionals from all around the world and find the perfect one for your project.

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59.90 HRK
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- Browse all the Job Offers and Apply to Job offers for Simple Users
- Share your profile with others via Duart Link
- Read the news
- Browse the database of professionals
- Browse featured job offers and publish job offers
- Get basic insight into how the platform works
- Browse the database of all members in the database
- Be visible to all professionals
- Browse all job offers and apply to all job offers
- Appear in the "Featured" section of the profile database, be on top of search results
- Share your profile with others via Duart Link
6 months